
Always bet on yourself


If you wake up hating being a founder more days than you wake up loving it, get the f**k out because it’s never going to get easier


Bad News does not improve with age. Don't keep your team or investors in the dark.


Time kills a deal


Fact tell Stories sell


Find your people. This is hard stuff.


(not ours but we love this one) Get a nice pen. Bics are for 'regular' people or farmers.


Crawl, walk….RUN!!!


It just takes one yes.


Focus on a few and ignore the doubters and uninvolved.


When you seek to engage with everyone, you rarely delight anyone.


Pick your investors like you pick a future spouse. You deserve an investor that can challenge you AND be your biggest cheerleader.


Opportunity lies on the other side of your comfort zone.


Don't bring feelings to the data fight.


If you don't ask, the answer is NO.


LEAD! (At all/any cost)


If you want to be completely humbled, slowly but surely, every single day for years, start a business.


Focus and find your critical path to success it is the first step in making a priority list